Ashfield-Colborne- Wawanosh Parks & Recreation Strategic Plan
In association with Mehak, Kelly & Associates and Oraclepoll Research, the ACW Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan addressed the need for recreation programs and events, facilities, parks and trails, and the delivery of these service to ACW residents until 2032. The plan will help guide Council and staff in making decisions that best meet the needs of the community. In addition, the Plan will provide guidance on park planning, facility redevelopment, facility expansion, partnership development and the delivery of programs, events and services.
Information for the Strategic Plan was provided by the Township and gathered through research activities including extensive in-person staff and Council interviews, open houses, and engagement the ACW community online. Detailed facilities, programs, and open space inventories were also completed.
The implementation strategy for this plan contains 199 recommendations, with phasing and costing estimated over the 10-year term of the Plan.