Kingston’s Waterfront Master Plan goes well beyond the typical master plan. This living document is a comprehensive action plan that details how and when Kingston should implement the proposed 60 million dollars for 138 waterfront projects over the next thirty years. It forecasts each project, identifies the funds required each year for planning design and implementation, outlines a strategy for acquiring access to privately owned waterfront parcels, and includes design concepts for each project which illustrate the proposed connections, access and enhancements for the entire 280 kilometres of waterfront.
Recipient of a Canadian Society of Landscape Architects award in the category of large-scale planning and analysis. The jury noted the Kingston Waterfront Master Plan was: “A project of staggering scope, requiring colossal effort. The process was open and inclusive, and the breadth of vision remarkable. The work itself is exquisite…This is a TRUE master plan with enough information to look a long way into the future. It is commendable to take on something this big and to believe in it.”